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CAZS (Centre for Arid Zone Studies, Bangor, Wales, UK) was primarily established to promote integrated natural resource development in arid and semi-arid lands and to provide technological and scientific innovation to improve allocation and management of these resources. CAZS is a semi-autonomous department within the University of Wales, Bangor, which draws together the knowledge and experience accumulated over the years by University staff to work on finding solutions to some of these challenges. With 23 core natural resources specialists, 15 support staff and 30 associate members drawn from other parts of the university, it has been actively involved in a wide range of research and development projects world-wide, including participatory plant breeding and management improvement schemes. CAZS are contracted managers of the UK DFID Plant Sciences Research Programme, and have been involved in studies in desertification, combating soil degradation, rural socio-economics, agri-environment projects and rural sustainability. CAZS has a strong involvement in participatory crop and livestock improvement projects.

Department for International Development (DFID)
'The Department for International Development (DFID) is the British government department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty. The government elected in May 1997 increased its commitment to development by strengthening the department (formerly the Overseas Development Administration) and increasing its budget. The policy of the government was set out in the White Paper on International Development published in November 1997. Its central focus is a commitment to an internationally agreed target to halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by 2015. In addition, associated targets include ensuring basic health care provision and universal access to primary education by the same date. DFID aims to work in partnership with other governments committed to these targets, and with business and the private sector, civil society and the research community, supporting progress to reduce world poverty. It also works with multilateral institutions, including the World Bank, UN agencies and the European Commission. The bulk of DFID's assistance is concentrated on the poorest countries in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, DFID contributes to eliminating poverty and supporting sustainable development in middle-income countries, as well as helping countries in Central and Eastern Europe ('transition countries') to try to ensure that the largest number of people benefit from the process of change.'

The Department of Research and Specialist Services (DR&SS), Zimbabwe

This is the Governmental department under the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture. The Save Valley Research Station where project trials are conducted is part of DR&SS.

Rural Unity for Development Organisation (RUDO), Zimbabwe
RUDO is an Oxfam affiliated Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in the Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe. It was inaugurated in 1992 as a result of Oxfam's work on Food Security in South Eastern Zimbabwe. They are now independent of Oxfam but a funding partnership still exists. The overall aim of their programme is to implement food and economic security through various programmes including skills training, development of craft enterprises and home gardens. This is carried out through farmer member groups.

University of Zimbabwe
Crop Science Department
The aims of this department are;
'To provide high quality and internationally recognised interdisciplinary training in the crop sciences at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.'
'To conduct research directed towards sustainable crop production, raising yields, improving quality and lowering costs of production of field and horticultural crops for both large scale commercial agriculture and small holder farmers and for high potential and marginal regions.'
'To undertake technology transfer by engaging in outreach participation research and development programmes, publication of information relating to topics on crop production in general and the departments research and other activities.'
Agricultural Economics and Extension Department
'This is an internationally recognised centre for agricultural economics training and research in SADC/Africa offering demand driven and affordable training programmes and undertaking problem-solving research and extension that meet the needs of agri-business industry and the farming community in small and large-scale agriculture.'

Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI)
This is part of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA)

Action Aid, Ghana

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